In response to Scott Walker's push to illegally drug test welfare recipients, Fox and Friends' Pete Hegseth was adamant that they should be forced to submit to be drug tested because he pays his taxes.
But I thought we were the land of the free?
Punching the poors has always been the modus operandi of Fox News whenever the news is bad for the Republican Party. And given that the tax bill is in trouble and a government shutdown is looming (and will arrive tomorrow without a deal) why wouldn't Fox play that old violin for the audience?
And look whose here to make it "newsworthy": Gov. Scott Walker is leading a charge to drug test Wisconsin's welfare recipients.
Wisconsin's Republican governor has submitted a plan to state lawmakers for drug testing able-bodied recipients of the state's Food Share program.
In 2011, Florida governor Rick Scott tried to pull the same scam, but the courts rejected it.
Florida now is rewording that failed law and trying to get it passed again.
It cost Florida 600,000 dollars in legal fees when they failed in 2011.
Hegseth said, "Well, those who fail the drug test would receive treatment if they couldn't afford it. Shouldn't this plan be a no-brainer?"
He continued, "So, to a lot of our viewers, it’s going to make common sense. If you want to receive support from the government, let's make sure you’re clean in doing so. Where does that logic go wrong?"
This ahole served in the military and he knows these laws are a sham.
After Democratic strategist Taryn Rosenkranz explained that with "0.03, that’s less than a half a percent, of people they expect to test positive. That means this is not a widespread problem. It's not rampant."
It's a f**ing waste of time.
Hegseth made the idiotic argument that even if so few people are affected the government should still do its due diligence.
He said, "Is it not make sense for the government to do their due diligence and make sure, if they're giving out taxpayer dollars, they’re giving it to people who will use it responsibly?"
No Pete, it's illegal to force drug tests on people, you cretin.
He continued, "You can't be on drugs and be in the military. Why should you be able to be on drugs and receive my taxpayer dollars?'
Because soldiers depend on each other in the military to remain safe and are armed to the teeth. By the way, does the military pass out routine drug tests when soldiers are in the battlefield?
But hey, Pete, we know your job isn't to make a logical argument. You're there to get those watching Fox News in the daytime upset that their tax dollars are going to some brown person getting free stuff while high on drugs.
Funny how a great many Fox News viewers get their drugs from Medicare, and Paul Ryan is planning on cutting that program in response to the deficits HE is creating. But that's a story you do not want to talk about.
Mission accomplished!