Sen. Al. Franken remarked during his resignation speech this morning, that Trump, with many charges of sexual assault, was still in office. Fox News' Katie Pavlich excused Donald because at the time he bragged about it, "he was hanging out in Hollywood."
As the ladies of Outnumbered were discussing Franken's press conference, co-host Sandra Smith said, "Just to go back to the moment that we just witnessed on the Senate floor for a minute, what did you make Katie, of him taking this opportunity to announce his resignation, to take parting shots at the president?"
Pavlich's opening remarks were, inartful, colorful, apologetic, myopic, moronic?
Katie replied, "I mean, look. He is not wrong about the fact that President Trump did say those things far before he was a candidate when, by the way, he was still a Democrat hanging out with people in Hollywood."
I understand now. Being a Democrat makes you susceptible to catching the sex pervert virus and hanging in the proximity of those Hollywood sex fiends and you've got a case of the full-on sexual assault flu.
She then took the Roy Moore defense that the voters will decide their fates.
She continued, "That said, voters went into the presidential election knowing that that was part of president Trump's history. They voted for him anyway, and they put him into office."
The "it's up to the voters" excuse is an example of conservative avoidance of responsiblity at its worst. They never care about what the voters think, it's an opt-out of having to make a value judgment against a fellow Republican, even when the charge is pedophilia. Fox News, Mitch McConnell, the RNC...they all just want that vote to cut taxes.
Katie failed to mention that when the multitude of charges that came out against Trump in 2016, Fox News and their many Trump supporters were pretty much silent and did not call for Trump to leave the campaign.
In fact, they constantly invited former Bill Clinton accusers on their shows throughout the rest of the election cycle to deflect from the charges against Trump.
Pavlich wasn't surprised that Franken took a shot at Trump. Wow, that's crack analysis people.
Lisa Boothe proclaimed that since Franken is gone, they''ll use him to undermine Roy Moore and to relitigate against Trump.
Lisa said, "The entire conversation that's gonna be in this country, even the mainstream media, also within the Democratic party is going to turn on President Trump, relitigate the allegations made against him during the campaign and also with Roy Moore."
That's rich coming from the pundits who are still relitigating Bill Clinton and trying to get Hillary Clinton indicted.
PS. One Democratic congressman ran out of f***s today with his own committee.