If you’re a Republican pedophile, money launderer or a White House communications director who was fired after only 10 days on the job, you are not on Fox & Friends’ “naughty list."
December 26, 2017

Hint: If you’re a Republican pedophile, money launderer or a White House communications director who was fired after only 10 days on the job, you are not on Fox & Friends’ “naughty list” of political losers in 2017.

This morning, the Fox & Friends Trump sycophants ate up, without a single challenge, “GOP communications specialist and a speechwriter” T. J. McCormack’s Trump-ego massage disguised as a political year in review.

McCormack began his list with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, for sticking up for Democratic Rep. John Conyers after he was accused of sexual misconduct. Each name was an excuse to play some unflattering video of the person. In Pelosi’s case, she was being shouted over by immigration rights activists.

Next up, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), for calling for Donald Trump’s impeachment.

“Maxine Waters, she’s unbearable, she’s awful. … If you have nothing nice to say, then you’re probably Maxine Waters,” McCormack sneered.

Or Donald Trump. But somehow, despite his hundreds of Twitter insults, Trump didn’t make it on to the list.

However, the dig at Waters drew loud chuckles from the Trump Friends.

In a phony nod to bipartisanship, Republican Senator Jeff Flake made the list. But that’s because he knocked Trump. “Nice to be loyal,” McCormack said contemptuously.

Last but not least, Rep. Corinne Brown who is, you can probably guess, another Democrat! She has been sentenced to five years for using a charity for poor students as her personal expense account.

"The surest way to end up on a naughty list is to go to jail," McCormack snarked. He referred to Brown as “Cuddly Corinne.”

Apparently, the indictment of Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, for money laundering, is no biggie to this crew. Nor was Donald Trump’s support for pedophile Roy Moore (after his first choice for the U.S. Senate seat lost).

And who can forget the expletive-laden rant that got White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci fired after only 10 days on the job? Scaramucci, by the way, recently resigned from an advisory board at Tufts University after what The New York Times called “several weeks of conflict with students” that included threatening to sue a student and the school paper over harshly critical op-eds.

Referring to Brown, cohost Todd Piro said, “The rest of this stuff is just politics. But when you’re taking money from kids… this is ridiculous.”

“It is!” McCormack agreed.

“And that’s how you become a political loser!” cohost Lisa Boothe added.

“And on the naughty list for ever and ever,” McCormack continued.

He forgot to add that taking from kids to line your pockets is A-OK when Republicans do it. Because that’s exactly what Trump and the Republicans hope to do now that they’ve given a big, fat gift in the form of tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans via the recent Trump tax bill.

Watch the blatant propaganda above, from the December 26, 2017 Fox & Friends.

Originally published at Newshounds.us

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