December 13, 2017

The Colbert clip is from Monday, but we're running it because it's very important.

A major cable "news" outlet is encouraging obstruction of justice.

Jeanine Pirro is the lead offender.

Her unwarranted attacks on the Mueller investigation and the FBI and DOJ in general encourage Fox News zombies to think Trump's obstruction of justice is actually defense of liberty? HIS liberty, you mean, to keep on serving Vladimir Putin as a puppet of the Russian government.

How about a report on how the Russian sanctions are being enforced, as the Congress dictated they should be, unanimously?

Pirro is actually calling for law enforcement in the United States to be "cleansed." Not making that up.

Colbert has seen it too and had enough.

COLBERT: Judge Pirro has a need, a need for screed. So, she kept up her attack on Mueller and the FBI on what can only be described as her television show.”

Then he played a clip of Pirro demanding FBI investigators be "taken out in handcuffs." And yes, she used the word, "cleansing."

And then, of course, she gets all smiley and cheerily tells her audience, “Tell me what you think on my Facebook page, Twitter and Instagram, hashtag Judge Jeanine!”

Colbert translated it for his audience:

COLBERT: Mueller and his corrupt junta are maggots gorging on the corpse of Lady Liberty, and freedom-loving patriots must drink their blood from the chalice of justice!

And that’s my opening, join the conversation on Insta, with hashtag Push Mueller Into Traffic!

The history books will not be kind to fascist screamers like Jeanine Pirro.

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