In a knockdown segment, Ed Martin, a CNN commentator and rabid Trump supporter defended Roy Moore's candidacy after he said America was better under slavery by claiming Jews still loved each other under Nazi occupation and Moore won't be voting on slavery.
The looks of disgust and outrage on the panel members painted a very clear picture.
CNN host Kate Bolduan sparred with Martin, who lied his way through this entire segment.
The CNN host read off just a few of Moore's outrageous statements on homosexuality, Islam and being an Obama birther.
To deflect, Martin claimed he didn't have the time to verify all of Moore's controversial remarks "I don't know when or how he said it and they are making it sound like it's the end of the case."
Bolduan interrupted, "No, no, no. Ed, Ed, Ed. This is like the third time just to me that you've said that, that you haven't heard the context and you don't know when it these were said. You've had the time to look at it, I can go through them right now if you want."
Of course Martin has the time to look at them, he's going on-air to address them and I'd bet he studied them intensely.
Martin acted like he was the host and said he didn't think we have the time, but he could answer each of them.
Angela Rye had enough and forced him to answer for Moore's despicable defense of family values during slavery. As usual, he had to lie his way during his responses and make alternate reality claims to back up Moore at the same time.
Rye said, "I want you to answer this one. Tell me why when he was asked when America was at its greatest at a campaign rally, he said it was at its greatest during slavery?"
Martin said, "That's not what he said."
Rye, "He said families loved each other then. Tell me about that one."
Martin began stumbling and Kate cut in.
Bolduan, "How are these not a problem if he makes it to Congress?"
Martin replied, "He's getting elected to the Senate - he will have to vote on things and slavery is not going to be voted in on the Senate and neither is homosexuality."
Rye replied, "Are you serious?"
She was dumbfounded.
Martin continued, "It's such a slur against him. What he said was families still love each other when they existed. People in bondage, when the Jews were in bondage for years, they still loved each other."
Rye said, "Are you kidding me?"
Martin, "No, I'm not kidding you."
Rye continued, "You're gonna hedge on slavery. Can you just acknowledge on this program -- "
"No, I'm not. I'm condemning slavery and so does Roy Moore."
Rye, "But that's not what he did."
Martin, "Of course it is!"
Rye, "No, he doesn't. He said America was at its greatest during slavery when families loved each other. Yes he did."
Kate read his full statement which is exactly as Rye described them.
"The last time America was great, he said, " think it was great at the time when families were united. Even though we had slavery, they cared for one another."
Bolduan asked, "You want to endorse that?"
Martin claimed, "He said when there was slavery, it was a terrible thing, 'I denounce it."
Rye jumped in, "He didn't say that. You are just adding stuff. That's not what he said."
Martin proclaimed, "Slavery is not going to be voted in in the US Senate."
But tax cuts for billionaires that will trigger automatic cuts in Medicare will be voted on in the Senate, right Martin?
CNN branded Trump apologists like Martin MUST lie to support somebody like Roy Moore.
And if Moore said he ate a few people like Jeffery Dalmer just to see how they tasted, that would be acceptable too because frauds like Ed Martin would say Moore wasn't supporting cannibalism, nor would he vote on it in the Senate.
This asshat is just as bad as Jeffrey Lord.
As I wrote earlier, David Frum is correct. Not only is CNN hiring and branding lying liars to defend Trump by spreading falsehoods, they are extending their tactics to suspected pedophiles like Roy Moore. All in the name of bringing "controversy" to cable news discussions.
And not to deflect, Ed Martin was despicable. Especially when confusing the issue of African slavery in Alabama with the Jews triumph over slavery in the Old Testament. Moore supporters in Alabama would know exactly how to read between the lines on Martin's argument -- Old Testament patriarchs like Roy Moore get to do whatever they want with young girls and have opinions about slavery.