Remember how I said your vote counts? Well, it does. Apparently Republicans challenged a single vote in Virginia's 94th District and a panel of judges obliged, turning the race to a tie by granting an additional vote to the Republican.
The Washington Post reports:
A three- judge panel declined to certify the recount of a key House race today, saying that a questionable ballot should be counted in favor of the Republican and tying a race that Democrats had thought they had won by a single vote.
“The court declares there is no winner in this election,” said Circuit Court Judge Bryant L. Sugg, after the judges deliberated for more than two hours.
The court’s decision leaves the race for the 94th District tied at 11,608 votes for each Del. David Yancey, the Republican incumbent, and Shelly Simonds, his Democratic challenger.
Under state law, the tie will be broken by a coin toss. If either candidate doesn't like the outcome of the coin toss, they can pay for a second recount.
I think we can see where this is going.
Here is the ballot they approved for the Republican.