December 28, 2017

Even though he has been fired from CNN and has only made occasional appearances on Fox News since, Jeffrey Lord has earned a Crookie Award for being the pundit who should never return to cable news.

From his earliest days at CNN, it was apparent that Lord was a stand-in for the hardest-core racist elements of Trump's supporters, a position he never abandoned.

As Van Jones noted, it was Lord's inclination to twist history which made viewers want to "blow their brains out" rather than stomach the venom he was serving.

Lord was responsible for advancing the lie that Democrats were the real racists, a Big Lie which Dinesh D'Souza is now cashing in on most cynically. By writing a book about a Big Lie and then using that term in the title, D'Souza would like readers to believe liberals are the real racists.

And then there was the time he claimed Donald Trump was the Martin Luther King of healthcare, an insulting claim which had absolutely no basis in fact or even fact-based fiction.

Unfazed, Lord went on to step out on a limb for Roger Stone, calling him the 'ultimate patriot.'

Lord also took aim at DREAMers, calling them "foreign nationals" just like Russian intelligence agents. No, really.

He drove every host who had him on crazy, including Anderson Cooper, who finally lost his temper (video above). He went head-to-head with David Gregory, also prompting an unscripted retort of exasperation from Cooper. Lord even got the usually-sanguine Don Lemon riled up.

But alas, sometimes bad things come to an untimely end, and Lord's tenure at CNN was no exception. Ironically, the end of Lord's punditry on CNN was because of one tweet. Unlike the Tweeter-in-Chief, Lord discovered there are consequences.

Taking aim at Media Matters' president Angelo Carusone, Lord tweeted this:

Remarkably, that was the end of the line for CNN. The racism didn't matter. The xenophobia didn't matter. But that one tiny tweet? That mattered.

Lord went on to make an appearance on Tucker Carlson's show, but he hasn't marked the territory as his. Yet.

Congratulations, Jeffrey Lord. You win the Crookie Award for the Pundit Who Should Never Be Hired By Cable News Again.


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