Rush Limbaugh Blames Mass Shootings On Day Care
November 9, 2017

Rush Limbaugh said this on the radio today:

... I would really love to know how many of these mass shooters went to day care? How many of them were separated from their mothers at age two, at age three, and were farmed out to day care centers?

He cites a story from PJ Media about a psychoanalyst and social worker named Erica Komisar, who published a book earlier this year titled Being There: Why Prioritizing Motherhood in the First Three Years Matters. She now claims that she was blackballed by the New York media, although she was a guest on Good Morning America. In her telling, however, she was insulted before the segment began:

She did appear on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” but seconds before the camera went live, she says, the interviewer told her: “I don’t believe in the premise of your book at all. I don’t like your book.”

I assume ABC has between-segment video that would prove or disprove this. I'd love to see it. You can watch the segment at YouTube, which seems perfectly respectful.

But I was talking about Limbaugh. He, of course, thinks this is all a left-wing plot to destroy civilization (hey, what isn't?).

Anybody with any sense knows in their soul that mothers need to be with babies. There’s nothing beneficial about farming a baby out to state-run child care. But we’ve been hammered for 50 years about how good it is for babies to be in child care, how good it is for mothers to leave their babies to go do some job somewhere, have a career.

And so this is how they hide the truth. This is how they have been able to make families weak. This is how they have been indoctrinating people to believe that parenthood, it’s not necessary, a village raises the kids, not parents. Thank you, Mrs. Clinton.

This stuff, it all made me wonder just how many of these mentally disabled people or people with mental disorders, how many of them actually have been farmed out to, I don’t care who runs it, day care, state-run or not, during the early formative years. Family’s family for a reason. But the left has come along because the political necessities of feminism by design require women to abandon everything traditional about motherhood. Hell, even giving birth is now considered a sickness. A pregnancy is a sickness. It’s a societally imposed penalty. It’s just absurd.

Yup -- according to Limbaugh, the person ultimately responsible for all those deaths in Sutherland Springs was Hillary Clinton. We should have known he'd say that.

Crossposted at No More Mr. Nice Blog

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