Hey MAGA types, do you think Blue Lives Matter? What about your respect for the testimony of a retired police officer? How about this one, speaking to Andrea Mitchell?
FAYE GARY (Retired Police Officer, Gadsden Police Department, Alabama): The rumor mill, was that he liked young girls. And, you know, we were advised that he liked young girls.
We were also told to watch him at the ball games and make sure that he didn’t hang around the cheerleaders.
The rumor was that Roy Moore likes young girls. It was not only in our department but at the courthouse, too.
Every day we were looking for a complaint to come in, and I didn’t realize until sometime later that when they said he liked young girls, I just thought he liked young ladies, you know, maybe in their 20s. I had no idea, or we had no idea, that we were talking about 14-year-olds.
She had no idea that "young women" meant 14-year-old girls because GOD that's disgusting and very illegal and Moore is a court officer who should damn well know better than that.
I suggest that Alabama Republicans take a good hard look in the mirror and decide what their values are. Because the world is watching.