Eschaton: You don’t need to be “a father of daughters” to be horrified by Roy Moore. Being a decent human should be qualification enough.
Juanita Jean’s: Thanksgiving Day is over, but the real turkeys live on.
Balkinization: Republicans are looking to pack the federal courts and may try to do it using the reconciliation process.
The Angry Bear: What happened to the Phillips Curve?
Egberto Willies: Former Reagan Treasury Bruce Bartlett says “the Republican Party needs to die.”
Speaking of which, your quote of the day:
"Republicans don't really care about accurate revenue estimates; they just want them to show that tax cuts pay for themselves, so they can pass more of them without constraint." (Bruce Bartlett, February 7, 2012.)
Guest blogging Mike's Blog Round Up this week is Jon Perr from Perrspectives. Send your tips, recommendations, comments and angst to mbru AT crooksandliars DOT com.