Poor Richard Spencer. Purveyor of white nationalism, face of the alt-Right and President of the National Policy Institute (a white nationalist think tank) has reportedly been banned from 26 European countries. Um, his whole platform is pushing the idea of a puritan white state, filled with purely European ancestry of non-Jewish descent....and Europe doesn't even want him. Irony.
Spencer is still denying that he has been banned, but Poland's state run news agency, PAP, says that Spencer has been banned from entering 26 countries in Europe's "visa-free Schengen area" fro at least 5 years.
ABC News has confirmed via an anonymous source that the Polish Foreign Ministry that the ban has taken effect.
Spencer has been banned from the same area following a 2014 arrest in Hungary, although that ban was only for 3 years.
Poor Spencer is all upset and feeling sadz. He feels persecuted for being a hateful, bigoted, race baiter. And he feels that it is very unfair to be treated in such an awful, mean and criminal way when he has done nothing wrong.
Spencer whined: "I'm being treated like a criminal by the Polish government. It's just insane. I haven't done anything. What are they accusing me of?"
I bet the 6,000,000 Jews that were killed in the Holoaust also felt similarly offended.
Good job, Europe. If only we could ban Nazis from America too. They can take their inbred cousins, the KKK and alt-Right, with them.