October 25, 2017

Congresswoman Ann Wagner may have decided not to run against Senator Claire McCaskill in 2018, but she's definitely campaigning against Satan, Planned Parenthood, and more.

Apparently, Wagner is responding to a Breitbart report, long debunked, that Satanists have teamed up with Planned Parenthood to oppose abortion restrictions in Missouri.

Because facts really do not matter to these forced-birth zealots, Wagner tweeted this earlier:

Yes, that's right. Rep. Wagner wants to take on Satanists who apparently stand with Planned Parenthood or something.

I guess that means Satanists also stand with live children forced to be born, since it's certainly true Rep. Wagner doesn't.

Twitter's blowback was swift, passionate and sometimes hilarious:

Here's some good advice:

Also this:

Maybe my favorite:

Whoa, if true.

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