It's so bad in the Trump White House, three cabinet-level members have agreed they'll quit en masse if one of them is fired.
Three On Trump's Cabinet In  'Suicide Pact' To Stop Him Firing Them
October 5, 2017

Yet another example of how insane the so-called president is. He's also such a lousy boss that three cabinet-level staffers, Steve Mnuchin, Rex Tillerson, and General Mattis, have apparently agreed that if one of them is fired by Trump, they all quit. Buzzfeed:

One US official expressed confidence in Tillerson's status due to a so-called "suicide pact" forged between Defense Secretary James Mattis, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, and Tillerson, whereby all three cabinet secretaries vow to leave in the event that the president makes moves against one of them.

And apparently the Beltway media totally believe Kellyanne Conway's text message this US official, because it obviously seems legit.

Wondering why a lightweight like Mnuchin is part of the pact? He's Donald Trump's Tax Cut.

Also in the Buzzfeed post and ignored by most other outlets is this: If Rex Tillerson quits his job at the State Department before working there a full year, he loses a great deal of money and tax breaks given to him by a George W. Bush era loophole. Go figure.

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