Lyin' Paul Ryan responded by delivering another major blow (job) to Trump by dismissing the dissension amongst the ranks:
Remember the extraordinary public clash this week between two Republican senators and President Donald Trump? House Speaker Paul Ryan said Thursday that people aren’t interested.
Ryan waded into — and quickly out of — that dispute on Thursday, when a reporter asked whether he shares Sen. Jeff Flake’s criticisms of Trump.
“I don’t think the American people care about that,” the Wisconsin Republican responded.
Ryan said people want lawmakers to “solve their problems. I don’t think the American people want to see us up here yelling at each other.”
What Ryan means is that he is facing the toughest election in his career against the juggernaut Randy "IronStache" Bryce and he doesn't have a thing to hang his Republican hat on, failing to keep one promise, such as repealing Obamacare, much less showing any kind of leadership as Speaker of the House. He desperately needs to keep an unhealthy obsession with passing his huge tax breaks for the rich and staying in Trump's good graces to stay in office.
Lord knows that Ryan is terrified of having to do any real work and wants to keep his cushy, lucrative position. Even if it means having permanently orange-stained hands and lips.