October 30, 2017

Fox News' Judge Napolitano said that Paul Manafort was a foreign agent and continued to engage in "a massive money laundering fraud" while still leading Trump's campaign as its chairman.

The judge appeared on Fox News and was outlining the charges against Manafort brought on by Mueller's Special Council.

"A massive fraud on the United States government by failing to report income and failing to report his status as a foreign agent," he said.

Judge Napolitano continued, "What is troublesome and newsworthy is that the allegations continue to September of 2016, meaning during the time that Paul Manafort was the chair or chief executive officer, I'm not sure what the title was, of Donald Trump's campaign he was still, according to the government, engaged in this massive money laundering fraud and was serving as an agent of a foreign government."

The right-wing media cannot spin this to make it appear that Manafort was only engaged in these practices years before he joined the Trump campaign.

Trump tried to do that this morning.

This is a lie.

When asked by Fox News' Sandra Smith about "what does this tell you overall about the Mueller probe?"

Napolitano said, "That this is the first of many dominoes to fall."

"Bob Mueller is following the standard M.O. of federal prosecutors. You’ve got a totem pole, you’ve got somebody at the top of the totem pole, that’s your big prize. No surprise it’s the president of the United States.," the judge said.

He continued, “You’re going to indict people going up the totem pole to see if you can squeeze them. Threaten their ruination, by loss of liberty and loss of property to get them to turn evidence against the top guy. -- This is the first in many steps as Bob Mueller is putting together an enormous puzzle.”

Update: Timing is everything.

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