October 16, 2017

It's disgusting to berate the poor for being poor and then condemn them to a life of sickness because they can't afford healthcare. Nevertheless, this particularly odious opinion comes from the factory that makes cruel pronouncements about those less fortunate than they are, the Fox "News" factory of lies, the primary news source for those with a predisposition for racist stupidity. We all seem to know someone who falls for this ruse, sadly.

Fox "News" host Jon Scott pretends that Obamacare is the cause for skyrocketing premiums and its current 'death spiral.' He fails to mention the poison pill the GOP has tacked on to the ACA at every opportunity, while also giving windfalls to drug companies--the real culprits--who overcharge Americans shamefully for basic medications.

Liberal-leaning radio host Richard Fowler pictured on the left, explains what Trump has effectively done with his horrific Executive Order.

Richard Fowler: ...Middle class families, small business owners, working class individuals who can barely afford to make payments in the exchange markets are going to end up paying more, and that's the bad deal. ...Congress should be the one allocating funds, but for the past nine months, the "president" has paid the money out. All the sudden he woke up last week and decided he would stop paying the checks.

This 'president' has no concerns for anyone but himself. He did this to appease the empathy-bankrupt donor class and the far-right racist base who adores this psychotic narcissist. That's the motivation for his cruelty. But the motivation to be healthy is even more important to the single mother who can't afford to be sick and miss work. This same single mother could be better motivated to eat healthier if processed junk foods weren't so much more affordable than healthy, fresh food. Most poor Americans live in a food desert where they are unable to find food that's remotely healthy. Motivation is not the problem.

This summer, it appeared that a few semi-level-headed Republicans cautioned against the dangers of repealing the ACA and tried to prevent this catastrophe.

The president is expected to decide this week (first week of August) whether to continue paying out subsidies to insurers known as cost-sharing reduction payments. He has threatened to stop them for months, and those threats have picked up in the days since the collapse of repeal legislation in the Senate—even as Republicans have warned that such a move would backfire on the party.

The Trump administration has made the payments only on a month-to-month basis, creating uncertainty that insurers have cited in leaving some marketplaces around the country. Yet despite Trump’s claims that Obamacare has already collapsed and is “dead,” insurers have made arrangements to return to several markets next year, plugging some of the coverage gaps that Republicans have highlighted.

Never mind reality, Fox had a message: Give healthcare away since these 'lesser' Americans (because they're poor...duh!) will not try to be healthy and will live a life of debauchery.

Jon Scott: If these are the poorest Americans who are getting their co-pays and things like that covered, what's the motivation for them to live a healthier lifestyle? If it does not cost them anything to go to the doctor, what is the motivation?

Did Scott mean living without regard for the consequences of terrible eating? Kinda like this guy?

Don't eat like this guy, poor folks. Unlike Donald, you will see be denied healthcare.

Kristen Soltis Anderson explains that the absolutely poorest of the poor receive Medicaid (for now), and the truth about affordable care for all: it works to improve health outcomes, regardless of income. The US spends the most on healthcare with the least favorable outcomes.

K.Soltis Anderson: Without a functioning market, we can consume a lot of health care services that do not make our health outcomes any better. By trying to have some kind of cost-sharing, make it function like a market, you are bringing down the cost of premiums, because people are getting the treatment they need that are making them healthy, rather than doctors having an incentive to prescribe a thousand tests that might not do anything. That is the incentive.

Oddly enough, the crazy host was outnumbered by two rational-thinkers. That was unusual.

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