Does Mike Pence Want A 'Purge' Of Anti-Trump Republicans?
Pence is the one on the right.
October 4, 2017

Nick Ayers, who is the chief of staff to Vice President Mike Pence (a man so wooden that termites salivate when he walks into a room), told GOP parasites donors that the Republican Party needs to purge itself of lawmakers who don’t fully support Hair Führer.

Ayers told the plutocrats that they should form a coalition and have it inform every Republican in Congress that unless he or she is 100% behind Trump by Dec. 31, the lawmaker will not get a penny in campaign donations, AND the coalition will support the member’s primary opponent.

“I’m not speaking on behalf of the president or vice president when I say this,” Ayers responded. “But if I were you, I would not only stop donating, I would form a coalition of all the other major donors, and just say two things. We’re definitely not giving to you, No. 1. And No. 2, if you don’t have this done by Dec. 31, we’re going out, we’re recruiting opponents, we’re maxing out to their campaigns, and we’re funding super PACs to defeat all of you.”

He continued, “Because, look, if we’re going to be in the minority again, we might as well have a minority who are with us as opposed to the minority who helped us become a minority.”

The crowd laughed and burst into applause.

So who really is this guy with such astute political chops? A quick trip to Wikipedia gives us the scoop on Nick Ayers: he was the awesome campaign manager for Gov. Tim Pawlenty’s preznintial campaign that concluded by folding after not placing in the Iowa Straw Poll. You may recall that Pawlenty (T-Paw) lost to our old pal, One-L. Let that sink in.

So Ayers, who is not speaking on behalf of the Administration (cough-cough, wink-wink, nudge-nudge) is encouraging the moneybags to dry up for certain Republicans (cough *McConnell* cough *Ryan* cough). So he still has that magic Pawlenty touch goin’ for him: who the hell is going to vote to impeach Trump if the end result is Pence who just publicly stabbed them in the back?

Crossposted from Mock Paper Scissors

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