CNN's John King told his panel that news of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign still being investigated by the Senate is "bad news for the president."
Really, John?
Senators Burr and Warner held a joint press conference today to discuss their investigation up to this point.
Sen. Burr said, "We have more work to do as it relates to collusion but we're developing a clearer picture of what happened."
He went on to warn every political campaign to be vigilant against possible interference from a very determined Russian government.
After playing that clip, Jake Tapper said, "...that's not a confirmation that the collusion was proven, but it's certainly not a denial."
CNN's John King is not a flamethrower of an analyst by any means, but he made it very clear how this impacts the Trump administration.
King said, "On several occasions, I have at least three in my notes he said that's still an open question. 'Collusion is still an open question. The issue of collusion is still open.' That's bad news for the president."
King said they presented no evidence that collusion did indeed take place.
Then King brings the money quote:
"But the president has said this is a hoax," King said.
And that's the point. Trump can spout "fake news" all he wants, but the Senate Intelligence Committee is finding something, and it's enough to continue.
"If you're the President of the United States, 25 more interviews this month. Some public hearings about the social media. His personal attorney Michael Cohen about to be called before the committee in a public setting. They're trying to interview his son Donald Trump Jr. about the now infamous June 2016 meeting and both of them standing there especially the Republican chairman who won his re-election because of the president's help in North Carolina saying the issue of collusion is still open," he said.
"That's not good news for the president no matter when this ends. It tells you we have months and months and months to go at a minimum a huge distractions over this administration and still the open question of collusion."
Senator Burr will try to tamp down any conjecture on Russian collusion with Trump as much as he can since he was a big supporter, but his words were loud and clear.
At a minimum, Mr. President, "Houston, we have a problem."