I gotta say, Butcher Barasso of Wyoming is more evil than any other Republican I have ever seen in my entire life, including Nixon.
Senator John "Butcher" Barasso was on MTP Daily yesterday. You may not have the stomach to watch the whole interview, but here's one of the money quotes:
I would have dinner with KKK Kris Kobach before I would nod my head down a hallway to Butcher Barasso.
Wyoming has a 20 million dollar state budget deficit, left 100 million a YEAR on the table by not expanding Medicaid, leaves tens of thousands uninsured and rural hospitals decimated, and of course, has all Republican branches of government and voted for Trump bigly.
Butcher Barasso makes the ridiculous argument that Medicaid has failed because a percentage of doctors won't take new Medicaid patients. He doesn't mention that expanding Medicaid brings on the, um, hiring of new doctors. Rural hospitals are being crushed in states like Wyoming. And the governor, Republican Matt Mead, regrets not expanding Medicaid. Duh!
Gov. Matt Mead lamented the $100 million that Wyoming left on the table by choosing not to expand Medicaid, and he expressed concern for the state’s hospitals while discussing health care with the Star-Tribune recently.
Mead echoed some of the fears that many Wyoming hospital officials have expressed for months: that congressional proposals to overhaul the health care system may have negative effects on facilities here and that the state has suffered because it chose not to allow more people to qualify for Medicaid.
“The idea that we did not accept Medicaid expansion and things are going to be good just hasn’t turned out,” he said.
Graham-Cassidy takes away 90 million federal dollars from Wyoming by 2026. That's not the 100 million dollars they already leave on the table by not expanding Medicaid. This is a NEW 90 million dollars. Taken away. By Trumpcare.
Wyoming Republicans don't like "Obamacare" because they will shoot off their own legs to prove they hate Obama. Which is why Butcher Barasso has to keep saying "Obamacare" in this interview yesterday.
But then again, Butcher Barasso doesn't represent the people of Wyoming. He represents the Koch Brothers, who invested wisely in a medical doctor who would lie for them no matter what.
The other big lie Butcher Barasso pushed was that Trumpcare Part Infinity covers pre-existing conditions. Whoops those hippies over at Blue Cross disagree with you, Butcher!