Thanks to Steve in Manhattan for subbing for me yesterday and for all of his blogpost picks during the past week
Matt Osborne in DeepStateNation offers us a deconcerting profile of the last Neo-Nazi standing (or cowering) in the Trump administration.
Big Bad Bald Bastard takes a stab at Facebook, America's premier home for BFFs and lots of Russian troll farms too!
Digby muses about CIA Director, Mike Pompeo, who's apparently a major Bible-thumper. So, yeah, I'll bet he always encourages his spooks to consider, "What would Jesus do?"
Allison Hantschell at First Draft has an awesome post about the lack of prominent left-wing media in America to which I can only respond, "And the more things change...."
And lastly, I know it's been a week since Walter Becker's death, but I still can't get one of his tunes out of my head. Here, it's your's.
Round-Up by patrickB who blogs at Bjork Report. You can follow patrickB on Twitter too. Send tips, requests, and suggestions to (with For MBRU in the subject line).