September 29, 2017

Lawrence O'Donnell is practically gleeful as he reports on the rock and a hard place Congressional Republicans find themselves in again, after Trump waffled on Health Care "reform" as it failed to gain public support.

O'Donnell based his reporting on these notes from Axios:

If Trump shows the fickleness he showed on repeal-and-replace (championing the House plan, then later calling it "mean"), that could increase the chances the plan sinks, with him blaming Congress.

Trump was also attuned to the political risks of raising the bottom rate from 10% to 12%, while cutting the top individual rate. (That would shift the pitch to a zero rate with the doubling of the standard deduction, and leave room for a higher top rate. Yesterday's plan could drop the top rate for individuals to 35% from 39.6%.)

Lawrence added that if the Trump children are going to have that pesky estate tax removed from their plates when their daddy dies, this plan has to pass in some form.

I've long said the Estate Tax should be framed by Democrats as "The Kardashian Tax," but maybe calling it the "Don and Eric Jr Windfall Profits Tax Cut" is better marketing.

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