Sheriff Clarke, who ran a prison in which numerous inmates died, abruptly quit his job just last week. Rumors were flying that he was about to accept a job at the White House.
Well, it appears that isn't going to happen. The Daily Beast is reporting that John Kelly put the kibosh on Clarke's plans, blocking him from bringing his "I play dress up with cowboy hat" attire and blazer of fake medals. Whomp whomp.
Daily Beast reports that Clarke had been in consideration for a White House job for about 7 weeks. But just today he unexpectedly accepted a job with a pro-Trump super PAC, America First Action, where he will serve as a "spokesman." Who was the roadblock to Clarke's White House communications job aspirations? None other than Chief of Staff, John Kelly.
No idea what prevented the roadblock, but it's possible that it could have something to do with numerous lawsuits. One was filed by the family of a man who died of dehydration in his jail after being deprived water for seven full days!! Another is from a woman whose unborn baby died while she was in Clarke jail due to "negligent medical practices." Sadly, she was 8 months and three weeks pregnant when she lost her baby.
Twitter had fun with it
The only good news of Clarke taking this job is that he is no longer in charge of a jail managing people in custody. The less ability he has to hurt or kill inmates, the better.