September 20, 2017

Donald Trump gave a speech full of childishly tough talk that could have been cobbled together from his tweets. He called North Korea leader Kim Jong-Un “Rocket man” again and threatened to “totally destroy” the country. He also attacked our country’s nuclear deal with Iran as an “embarrassment.” So, naturally, Fox’s Chief Chickenhawk, John Bolton swooned.

We knew that Fox would just love Trump’s speech given that Fox & Friends had already gushed over it one day in advance. But Bolton, George W. Bush’s recess-appointed, U.N.-hating ambassador to the U.N. was there to celebrate Trump’s bellicosity and give it the cred of good foreign policy.

Bolton, who supported the Viet Nam war but declined to put his own fanny on the line to fight it, has been salivating for a new war since at least 2007, first with Iran and more recently North Korea. Now, Trump has moved us closer to both. Bolton couldn’t be more pleased.

BOLTON: This was the best speech of the Trump presidency in my view. I think he was as clear and direct as it’s possible to be. … I think the centerpiece of the speech was the criticism of the behavior of North Korea and Iran and I think it’s safe to say in the entire history of the United Nations, there has never been a more straightforward criticism of the behavior, the unacceptable behavior of other member states.

On North Korea, the president said that if we are forced to, we will have no choice but the total destruction of North Korea. I think people will remember that.

[…] That means in his view, we don’t end this present crisis with North Korea still in possession of a nuclear weapons and ballistic missile program.

As Crooks and Liars noted, not everyone was as pleased with Trump’s weenie wagging as Bolton:

Of course, Bolton loved the aggressive talk about Iran, too:

BOLTON: On Iran, [Trump] was just as direct. …His criticism of the behavior of the regime toward its own people and then he came, of course, to President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran and said, as he has said many times before, it’s one of the worst, most one-sided deals in American history, an embarrassment to the country and we haven’t heard the last of it.

I think these are about as clear an indication as a president can make that he’s not gonna live with the kinds of half measures and compromises that, frankly, for 25 years have marked American policy and led us to the present desperate situation where both these countries are on the verge of getting deliverable nuclear weapons.

Despite all that praise, Bolton said his favorite part of the speech was Trump’s attack on Venezuela. But, as Raw Story reported, at least part of what Trump said about Venezuela fell flat.

Watch Trump’s “joke” about Venezuela fall flat below, from today’s address to the U.N. General Assembly, via Raw Story. Watch Bolton’s adoration from the September 19, 2017 America’s Newsroom via Fox News above.

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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