To Fox News, even though Trump heavily campaigned for the loser in the Alabama Senate runoff election, and deleted his tweets supporting Luther Strange, he's still a winner!
Judge Napolitano was the #OneLuckyGuy on today's "Outnumbered" program and the topic turned to the Alabama Senate race that Trump jumped into feet first.
Andrew thought Trump made a big mistake by violating Reagan's rule that you never campaign against another Republican.
Supporting one over another is one thing,the judge said, but "It's another thing to bring the machinery of the federal government, including your vice president down there."
Marie Harf said, "Karl Rove called Roy Moore this year's Todd Aiken..."
(We can only hope Doug Jones can steal a victory.)
The panel then softened the blow on Trump by blaming Mitch McConnell as well, which is true.
Harris Faulkner, who is fully invested in the Trump camp, continued to make the point that since only a Republican will win the seat, it's not a big deal to Trump.
She was extremely excited that social media was "lit up" for Moore this morning.
The Judge wondered how bad it was for McConnell, who's PAC spent millions of dollars for Strange.
Katie Pavlich said that the outsider won, blah blah blah...even though Moore has been in Alabama government for many years.
Sandra Smith then asked, "So, based on every thing you just said, is this a victory for the president then still?
Pavlich said, "I think it can if you look at what people and Alabama are saying who voted for Roy Moore."
Huh? Trump spent time effort and political capital on Luther Strange and lost very badly.
Oh, wait. There can be a way it works out for Donald.
Katie continued, "They actually believe that the president was somehow pushed into supporting Luther Strange."
A good old fashioned conspiracy.
Even Napolitano was swallowing that one.
He said, "I gave you that look because Roy Moore was ahead by five points until the weekend when Donald Trump and Mike Pence came in and then he won by ten points. I think they made a profound mistake."
If Napolitano didn't speak up, the rest of the debate would have went in a entirely different direction.
Pavlich agreed that it was a mistake for Trump and they continued to wonder why Trump would have ever supported him. (Hint, Trump was forced to support Strange by aliens that are working with Alex Jones and Roger Stone to bring them back in time.)
Nothing is Trump's fault, except when it is, but when it is, it will work out in his favor anyway.