August 17, 2017

Tucker Carlson is quickly becoming the king of the false equivalency, the Lord of the High Backlash Whine.

How quickly can he turn a violent, despicable and murderous act into a warning that conservative's rights are being held in the balance?

He was horrified by the events that took place in Charlottesville, but more upset that White supremacist website the Daily Stormer was kicked off their hosting company.

Carlson, a man that always preaches the benefits of free market capitalism is now whining when the free market has spoken about neo-Nazis, white nationalists, and white supremacists.

What's his motivation? After they come for your Confederate statutes, they may come for

The guy clutches pearls so tight his hands are bleeding for concern over the possibility that Google will single out the Vatican.

Carlson warns, "Today's political opponents could easily become tomorrow's designated Nazis."

He cries that 40% of millennials are against hate speech and those same millennials "will be running the world very soon."

"You think they'll think twice before banning websites they don't like?," He warned. "They won't."

He continued, "It's the Daily Stormer today, fine, but who is it going to be next week or next year, the national right to life, fox, Catholic charities? Why wouldn't it be?"

Do I really have to respond to this sophomoric attempt at muckraking in the service of Nazis?

Tucker said, "Why wouldn't Airbnb ban public supporters of Trump from getting rooms. The support terrorism. Why wouldn't Facebook eliminate all references to pro-life positions?"

He's the Lord of the High Backlash Whine. First, they came for the Nazis and then they came for Catholic charities? Is that how it works?

Oh, and I forget to mention this part: Liberals want to destroy the first amendment, too. Tucker Carlson found out our secret plans from an erroneously sent email from Daily Kos to moi, right?

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