Sure Enough, Fox Is Blaming Obama For North Korea Crisis
August 11, 2017

Didn’t you just know that Fox News would find a way to turn Donald Trump’s wildly inflammatory nuclear threat to North Korea into President Obama’s fault?

Tuesday night, Sean Hannity broke his promise not to engage in “petty political disagreements,” when he blamed Obama for the North Korea crisis:

“[U]nder the Obama administration the North Korean threat increased rapidly and literally have turned this into a crisis point that President Trump now has to deal with. And in the case of the Obama administration, remember, they drastically cut our strategic defense capabilities, not a smart thing."

Apparently, it’s vital to our national security (not a petty political disagreement) for Hannity to try to ensure that everyone looks at Trump as the victim and Obama the villain. Oh, and while he was at it, Hannity took some digs at Bill Clinton, too.

This Wednesday, in what I’m sure is just another of many, many similar talking points, military analyst Tom McInerney said on Fox Business:

"President Trump’s foreign policy to date rival Ronald Reagan. President Obama unilaterally disarmed us, put us into a situation that we’re facing right now in Korea and we’ll be facing shortly in Iran – all unacceptable. No president has been handed a hand like this, Cheryl, since World War II. This is the worst any president has been given in a geopolitical situation."

Host Cheryl Casone murmured her agreement as he spoke.

Watch it below, from Fox Business’ August 9, 2017 Risk & Reward with Deirdre Bolton via NewsHound Richard.

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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