August 30, 2017

Just so you know who’s now set to testify about Russia:

  • Special counsel subpoenas Manafort’s former attorney and spokesman
  • “The subpoenas seeking documents and testimony were sent to Melissa Laurenza, an attorney with the Akin Gump law firm who until recently represented Manafort, and to Jason Maloni, who is Manafort’s spokesman … It’s unclear what specific information the Mueller investigators believe Laurenza and Maloni may have. But issuing subpoenas to a lawyer of someone under investigation is unusual, in part because it raises potential attorney-client privilege issues that prosecutors tend to try to avoid. Maloni, as a public relations representative, doesn’t have the same attorney-client privilege protections.”

  • Donald Trump Jr. set to testify before Senate Judiciary panel
  • “The Senate Judiciary Committee has reached an agreement and set a date for Donald Trump Jr. to testify behind closed doors to the panel, the committee confirmed on Tuesday. … Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Ia.) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), the panel leaders, said in July that they still intend to hold a public hearing with Trump Jr. after speaking with him privately, and would subpoena him to appear in open session if necessary.”

I don’t know if Squiggy/Lenny will be testifying under oath or not, but you do know that he will use his Fox-clever abilities to not answer any pointed questions. I think the more interesting part will be the Manafort bit. The PR guy should be a ripe target because in order to spin something, they have to know what that something is, it would have to be blessed by the boss and probably cleared by the Attorney.

Popcorn, anyone?

crossposted from Mock Paper Scissors

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