August 31, 2017

Trump's bestie Kellyanne Conway got flustered throughout a long interview last night on CNN over Hurricane Harvey's congressional funding.

By the way, where was Conway during Trump's Charlottesville meltdown? Did you see her on TV defending Trump's pro neo-Nazi supporting statements?

After trying to get Conway to respond to his questions about Trump trying to wrangle federal monies out of Republicans for relief aid (since they blocked Hurricane Sandy money), Cuomo brought up proposed cuts to FEMA to fund the wall.

Conway got mad and defensive.

Cuomo said, "He's going to have to rethink the FEMA money, isn't he? Making cuts to FEMA and allocating money to the wall, what's the main priority? Harvey or the wall?"

Conway said, "Well, Chris, that's not very fair and I heard you three times in a row get the same sound bite out, so let me reply in kind.

Cuomo, "It was the same question just to get a response -- "

Conway, "No, that's not fair. I've answered your question twice, I'll do it a third time. But if you're going to talk about who voted for and against Hurricane Sandy, you have to be fair and reflect the full remarks of the people who say that they voted against what they wanted to vote for hurricane relief, but they voted against what they saw as a pork-laden bill that included many other things."

Remember, her former boss was Sen. Ted Cruz who led the way against funding Hurricane Sandy.

Cuomo reminded her that the nonsense about the Sandy bill being full of pork wasn't "a valid premise."

Kellyanne then got really defensive for Trump over the funding concerns, but Cuomo wasn't bashing him, just the politicians who played politics with Sandy.

After Chris called out Cruz, he asked how Trump avoids those same problems and Conway again got pissed and became nonsensical.

Conway, "I answered that already. I think you're playing politics now with something like a tragedy and Harvey. I answered your question. (No she didn't) The money will be there. We see a lot of politics being played. I think instead having the same conversation five different ways over the course of the first three four minutes of this interview, you could be putting up 1-800 numbers or websites or giving people information about pet rescues or diapers or meals -- "

Cuomo, "We can do both."

Conway, "You're not, though. You're not, though"

Cuomo, "Actually, we are."

You like having panels with eight people, you take two of the people away - "

Cuomo, "What panel? Have you seen this show?"

Conway, "You could take two of the seats away from this panel and put information up that people in need actually require."

Cuomo, "Let's stick to the facts."

Facts are not something Conway is comfortable with, Chris.

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