DISGUSTING: Trump Calls The White House 'A Real Dump'
August 2, 2017

Donald Trump really hates the White House. Apparently, it doesn't have enough gold and bling and expensive looking junk to make him feel special enough. Forget the history and awe of being fortunate enough to be the 45th President*, that isn't enough for him. No, to him it is a massive dump not worthy of his time.

In a Golf.com profile, which will be published in Sports Illustrated this week, the whiny baby currently occupying the White House said the following while mingling with paying members at Bedminster, his New Jersey golf club:

"That White House is a real dump"

WOW. I am speechless at this disregard and disrespect for the highest office in our country. Not only does this despicable excuse for a human being embarrass us on the world stage every time he opens his mouth, waves his arms or move his body, but now he is actually disparaging us to his "friends."

The profile went on by saying:

"Last November, the President-elect hosted a cocktail reception and dinner at Bedminster on the same weekend that he was holding interviews at the club with candidates for his cabinet. At the dinner, Trump addressed the members of the club by saying, "This is my real group. You are the special people. I see all of you. I recognize, like, 100% of you, just about.'"

THIS IS MY REAL GROUP. Well, I wonder how the Trumpkins will feel knowing that he just said, in the clearest possible way, that his "real" people are rich folks who pay to be in his company. Not middle America, not coal workers, not unemployed or underemployed folks in the south, not LGBT or POC who he begged to take a chance on him. No, rich, white people are his "real group."

NBC News' Peter Alexander highlighted the relevant quote and posted it to Twitter:

Twitter had some great ideas on what Trump should do if he really hated the White House that much:

Donnie, the White House is the people's house. If it is not good enough for you, by all means pack up and leave. I know a few million people that would show up at a few hours notice to help you pack.

Mind you, Trump has visited his golf courses over 40 times since taking office in January and has visited Trump properties over 50 times.

Golf Magazine said:

"He has his own cottage adjacent to the pool; it was recently given a secure perimeter by the Secret Service, leading to the inevitable joke that it's the only wall Trump has successfully built."

Ha, he finally got his wall. If only we could make it high enough to keep him in. Permanently.

Update: Chelsea Clinton responded by sending love to White House employees.

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