On July 25th, as Trump was interviewed by the WSJ, he got upset they thought his speech at the Boy Scouts Jamboree got a mixed reaction. So he made up another story and lied.
Trump's speech to the BSA was so disturbing and disappointing they ultimately apologized that he delivered such a partisan speech.
But in Trump's senile brain, they not only loved his speech, they called him to praise him for it. Politico supplies the transcript of the WSJ interview.
TRUMP: Did they like it?
WSJ: It seemed mixed.
TRUMP: They loved it. [Laughter.] It wasn’t — it was no mix. That was a standing –
TRUMP: ... from the time I walked out on the stage — because I know. And by the way, I’d be the first to admit mixed. I’m a guy that will tell you mixed. There was no mix there. That was a standing ovation from the time I walked out to the time I left, and for five minutes after I had already gone. There was no mix.
WSJ: Yeah, there was a lot of supporters in the arena.
TRUMP: And I got a call from the head of the Boy Scouts saying it was the greatest speech that was ever made to them, and they were very thankful. So there was — there was no mix...
There was no mix!
The Boy Scouts responded to Trump's lie, "We are unaware of any such call." Neither of the organization's two top leaders — President Randall Stephenson and Chief Scout Executive Mike Surbaugh — had placed such a call, the Scouts said."
Trump wasn't done lying about fictitious phone calls though. He says he received a call from the Mexican president, congratulating him on his border wall, which Enrique Pena Nieto has refuted.
On CNN's At This Hour, they had a panel discussion about Trump's easily provable lies.
Host Kate Bolduan asked, "When do you believe what the president says?"
Mark Preston said, "I don't think you can." he explained that world leaders are now looking at us and wondering "Is he going to lie to us on the bigger issues?" He went on to say "he's not even a good liar."
Kirsten Powers wondered,"Is he lying or does he have a distorted reality and he believes these things are happening? Which is even more concerning, frankly." She recounted her own experience with the president and continued, "Does he know he is lying or does he just believe that these things happened?"
Mary Katherine Ham replied, "He wants to hear these things about himself."
How low has the office of the presidency sunk when panel discussions on cable news revolve around debunking the president's many, easily provable lies and wondering if he's suffering from delusion?