Trump supporters allege that CNN blackmailed the Reddit user who created Trump's wrestling GIF, and forced him to apologize.
I think???
CNN released a statement about the incident, but that fueled the wingnuts anger even more.
The user known as "HanA**holeSolo," who has posted racist and anti-Semitic material before apologized for creating the controversy after CNN's KFiles contacted him and asked for an interview.
"First of all, I would like to apologize to the members of the reddit community for getting this site and this sub embroiled in a controversy that should never have happened," he wrote. "I would also like to apologize for the posts made that were racist, bigoted, and anti-semitic. I am in no way this kind of person, I love and accept people of all walks of life and have done so for my entire life. I am not the person that the media portrays me to be in real life, I was trolling and posting things to get a reaction from the subs on reddit and never meant any of the hateful things I said in those posts. I would never support any kind of violence or actions against others simply for what they believe in, their religion, or the lifestyle they choose to have. Nor would I carry out any violence against anyone based upon that or support anyone who did."
The user further apologized for calls for violence against the press in his statement on Reddit.
When an adult posts something online in today's world - that is then used by the president and goes viral, they've lost the ability to remain anonymous.
But CNN never threatened to expose the Reddit user at all or you know - demand money, so where's the blackmail?
When I first started blogging I thought about trying to be anonymous but realized if I'm going to offer an opinion, I should put my name on it. I can understand being freaked out by something "you" wrote online after it goes viral, but I doubt HanA**hole ever thought in a million years that a sitting U.S. president would take his violent images and make it part of their daily attacks on our free press.
Andrew Kaczynski tweeted this out today:
It's interesting that Trump supporters don't mind if Trump himself might have tried to blackmail cable TV personalities Joe and Mika by using his "hit-man' tabloid The National Enquirer to smear them.
On Friday’s Morning Joe, Scarborough claimed several top White House staffers had warned him about an unflattering article about him and Brzezinski due to published in the National Enquirer, and told him Trump could arrange for the story to be pulled – if the MSNBC host called the president to apologize for negative coverage of the administration.
Sen. Ted Cruz is the latest Republican hack to jump on this story and went as far as calling what CNN did "a criminal act."
Conservative Michelle Malkin was one of the first bloggers and pundits ever to Dox people she considered a threat to her party's policies and for the most part Republicans never complained about her behavior. And we're not talking about an adult, but a child.
Remember what happened to twelve year old Graeme Frost?
Gabler: Everything that the Republicans and the bloggers were saying about this guy were wrong. That should have been the story. Republicans lie about a 12 year old boy's family.
Hall: Cal, you've just repeated many things that were erroneous...The right wing bloggers swiftboated a twelve year old kid!
Thomas: Oh, please...
Hall: That is what happened. That is what Paul Krugman said and it is true.---They go after the kid. They go after the kid.
Pinkerton: You can debate whether you should put him out there or not, that's a fair thing to debate about...
Hall: SLIME a twelve year old kid..It's false.
Pinkerton: The Democrats put him out there,
Hall: So he's fair game?
Pinkerton: Of course he is...
Hall: To be slimed?
Pinkerton: You can't be wrong about your facts.
Hall: They weren't wrong about their facts.
That happened in 2007. Malkin led the way and released a child's home address for political purposes.