July 31, 2017

After a round table discussion with Nicolle Wallace, Steve Schmidt ripped the gauze off the White House and the damage they're doing in a way that every network ought to be doing right now.

The discussion was fairly benign until that point, centering around "respect" and whether or not a West Wing can do without it. I mean, really?

Schmidt brought a dose of reality back to everyone with his ensuing rant, delivered in a quiet and intense voice.

"These people don't work for IBM," Schmidt reminded. "These people are in close proximity to the most powerful person in the world...These are positions of immense responsibility, immense importance."

The danger is real, and it's serious, Schmidt continued, particularly in terms of trustworthy leadership of our military and in the foreign arena, pointing out that for the first time ever in the history of the Western Alliance, the Australian, Canadian, and British prime ministers can't trust the credibility of the administration to commit their troops to American command.

"It makes the world more dangerous," he warned.

Putting everything into the proper perspective, Schmidt wrapped it up this way: "It's not that Anthony Scaramucci used bad words. It's that Anthony Scaramucci showed us all he revealed what's going on there. The snake pit. The leaking. The lack of probity. The lack of rectitude by these people who constantly, constantly since Donald Trump became president have stood up in front of the podium with the White House seal on it, have serially lied to the American people have prevaricated constantly. And it is not good for America. It's bad."

Before everyone goes off about how Steve Schmidt is responsible for Sarah Palin, consider the possibility that he knows that and has gotten a clue. Instead of lying to us all and claiming there was no harm from that, he's instead calling out lies as a bad thing, and sending some serious warning shots which each and every cable network should pay attention to.

Yes, the White House lies. All the time. Serious lies. The President of the United States is a serial liar, whether it's on Twitter, a cabinet meeting or a speech. And then he sends out his minions to lie, and it's high time someone called it out on cable, which Steve Schmidt just did.

Every cable network should be operating on these two premises:

  1. The White House lies
  2. Lies are bad for America

If they do that, we might actually survive this miserable despotic Presidency that should never have happened.

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