Creepy! After using a 9-year-old Trump fan to celebrate the dear leader, state-run television Fox and Friends now graduates to a 12-year-old?
July 31, 2017

Donald Trump had a truly terrible, awful, horrible week from hell last week. To offset that, Trump's state-run program "Fox and Friends" brought on 12-year-old Trump super fan Millie March, to bash President Obama and encourage all Trump supporters that he's really doing a tremendous job.

Last week Trump and F&F used "Pickle," a nine-year-old Trump fan, for a PR boost. Today they went a little older.

Millie March is a very cute girl and her father says they "don't tell her what to think."

Co-host Ainsley admired her for being extra smart because she loves Trump so much.

Doocy asked, "What is it about Donald Trump you like so much?"

Millie said, “He is doing an amazing job as president. He is even trying to repeal Obamacare right now. He is doing the best job as a president you can you ever do.”

Millie exclaimed, "[Trump] has done more good in the past six months than Obama has in the past 8 years.”

Maybe her parents should clue her in a little bit to the truth of the day instead of letting her watch and parrot what she hears on Fox News so much.

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