We need you to dig deep and donate to the cause. We run fundraisers maybe two weeks a year so we count on you to pitch in.
Crooksandliars.com has hosted tens of thousands of videos since late 2004, equaling hundreds of millions of views on our own servers since then.
It makes sense since C&L was the first real video website, (political or otherwise) that was created, even before Youtube was even started.
As of Sunday night Chris Uhlmann's video has over 270K views hosted by C&L servers.
Why do I bring this up? Even though hosting costs aren't $25 per 25 gigs of space anymore like when I started, they still add up and we still need your help.
We will be doing a website update soon and we need to hire a few more able bodies to keep up this insane pace.
A few years ago it was simpler to keep the finances rolling in but those days are gone.
So please, donate whatever you can.
You can hit the donate button above, or send a check to us here:
P.O. BOX 66310
Los Angeles, CA 90066
It's harder than ever for bloggers to sustain themselves, so please click on the donate button above or use our PO Box.
Give what you can and if you can afford a little extra, we'd really appreciate it. You can also sign up as an automatic donor as well.
Your generosity helps keep us going.
Thanks so much,
John Amato