July 18, 2017

Vice President Mike Pence gave a speech to the National Retailers Federation this morning and it went over like a lead balloon.

Could it have something to do with his effort to put a happy face on the administration after the brutal Senate health care bill collapsed?

Yes. Yes it could.

Pence read off his laundry list of the usual Republican complaints against Obamacare and his voice crescendoed in anticipation for a thunderous applause, he said, "Obamacare has failed and Obamacare must go!"

For a few seconds Pence stood there to crickets, as silence permeated his purview until a few sorry souls finally clapped for him. The audience was flat as a wet noodle.

Pence then went on to tell Senate Republicans, "The Senate should vote to repeal now and replace later--- inaction is not an option."

And once again Pence tried to whip up enthusiasm in his audience as he angrily stated, "Congress needs to step up. Congress needs to do their job, and Congress needs to do their job now!"

After a couple of seconds of quiet, a tepid audience reaction followed. I imagine his staffers began to clap to get the audience into the words Pence had spoken.

Mike Pence just couldn't seem to muster any enthusiasm to destroy Obamacare. Go figure.

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