After North Korea tested a new ICBM missile, Fox News host Brian Kilmeade says "it seems very practical" now to give Japan nuclear weapons.
During the presidential campaign, Trump was heavily criticized for at first suggesting to Chris Wallace that Japan should get nuclear weapons to defend themselves< He responded to the criticisms by flip flopping, saying, "they said I want Japan to get nuclear weapons. Give me a break."
Fox and Friends discussed the North Korean missile test with Trump most likely watching on.
Kilmeade told his other co-hosts that China and Russia don't want our military presence in that region and then offered a more aggressive approach on how to deal with Kim Jung Un and his allies.
Kilmeade said, "We have an obligation as Donald Trump says when he was candidate Trump and everyone said he was crazy, couldn't be trusted. - We could say our obligation is to Japan, we're going to have to give them nuclear weapons and our obligation to keep South Korea safe is well, not giving them not only the THAAD missile system, we're going to have to give them offensive capabilities --that would get China's attention"
Not only did Kilmeade endorse sending nukes to Japan, but he proposed arming South Korea with "offensive" weapons also. Does that mean nukes too?
Brian continued, "I think that's one of the last cards we have to play."
Kilmeade bragged about Charles Krauthammer suggesting a nuclear Japan would scare China and said, " Wasn't he [Trump] labeled as unhinged for bringing that up earlier? Now it seems very practical."
So a Fox News pundit mentions nuclear proliferation and that turns Trump's unhinged thoughts into a very practical course to pursue?
Krauthammer, who once questioned Trump's fitness, saying, "you have to ask yourself, do I want a person of that temperament, control of the nuclear codes. And as of now, I have to say no."
Suddenly, Charles is the go-to guy for Trump supporters?
Looks like Trump is not exuding the kind of strength Krauthammer had hoped for, because Kim Jung Un has been going missile crazy of late ...and "making fun of America" in the process.
In the meantime, the risk of nuclear annihilation for the planet gets bumped up a notch, and Fox News helps.