5 Time Draft Dodger Donald Trump Just Banned Transgender People From Serving In The Military
July 26, 2017

Five time draft dodger, Donald Trump, has just announced *over Twitter* that he is changing the military position on transgender servicemen and women and is now banning them. Why the hell did he do this? He says it is because of money. Talk about a weaksauce excuse. It is to (a) rile up his hateful, bigoted base, (b) make Pence happy and (c) try to distract from the ever tightening vise of the Russia investigation.

His declaration, via tweet:

Mind you, back in early 2016 Trump swore he was the friend of the LGBT community, going so far as to declare, with forceful grunts, deep smarmy exhalations and focused reading off the teleprompter:

“As your president, I will do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens"

And in June 2016, he declared:

“Thank you to the LGBT community! I will fight for you while Hillary brings in more people that will threaten your freedoms and beliefs.”

Seems those were blatant lies. I wonder what his most loyal gay and transgender supporters have to say. Has anyone reached out to Peter Thiel or Caitlyn Jenner?

Oh, and remember Princess Ivanka? Aw, she always talks about how her daddy is the bestest most kindest and loving daddy ever. Just last month she declared:

What will her response be? Silence.

Twitter did not respond well to this sweeping change which was, did I mention, delivered via Twitter:

Congress was ALL over it, at lightning speed.

Oh, and the Pentagon was utterly blindsided by this announcement.

The biggest irony: Trump announced this during the third day of "American Heroes Week." To a draft dodging loser who claimed that sleeping around was "his own personal Vietnam", I guess a real soldier would be intimidating. This failed human being views getting a Purple Heart as a fun joke to be made. He doesn't appreciate our brave military one iota. To him, they are a life size version of the game battleship with fun plastic soldiers and cool names like "Mad Dog" Mattis. He wants to play real life blow em up and loves talking a big game about war and nuclear weapons. But at the end of the day he is just a draft dodging loser with low self esteem, extreme narcissism and an overwhelming fear that we will all find out the truth - he is a failure and a defective, soulless, sociopathic excuse for a human being.

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