June 30, 2017

The women who made up Thursday's "Outnumbered" panel blasted Trump's disgusting tweets against MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski this morning.

You can imagine the pressure the ladies of the Crotch Couch feel to look hot over at Fox. It's good that they at least noticed that there for the grace of God go they.

Mike Huckabee was the #OneLuckyGuy today on the Fox News show and he tried to soft pedal Trump's vile attacks by saying, everybody knows if you hit Trump, he'll come back at you ten times harder.

That defense didn't go over too well with his panel members, who were mostly Trump supporters.

Meghan McCain said she was grossed out by Trump's tweets, "...bringing it up in a way to sort of try and diminish her and humiliate her publicly, I think makes everybody across the world, country look bad. It makes my job talking to millennial women about politics - about why they should become conservatives? Much more difficult."

Sandra Smith coached the show today and displayed some Republican responses bashing Trump as well.

Fox Business' Trish Regan took issue with Mike Huckabee's excuses and said, "It is beneath the dignity of his office, absolutely. I will give you that they haven't been so nice to him, but you're president of the United States. You signed up for that. You have to be able to take the hits and do so in a dignified fashion. For him to come out and say that - as soon as I saw the word 'bleeding,' I flinched. He just took it too far."

'Kennedy' reminded the panel of Trump's attacks on Megyn Kelly, "The collective sentiment is 'come on, man. Seriously!' He's already had enough problems talking about bleeding with blonde female news anchors. He doesn't need to continue this narrative and it's a giant distraction. I love getting back at people on Twitter,-- but I'm not president of the United States. if you accept the presidency, sometimes people will say the meanest things about you."

McCain then brought up Melania Trump's cyber bullying platform and said teenagers commit suicide over being cyber bullied and "we have a president who is doing it."

Ana Navarro had the best response to Trump today, but the ladies on Outnumbered were not pulling their punches either. This is personal to women who have to appear on television.

When the women on Outnumbered don't support what a Republican president did today, that president has a huge problem.

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