June 9, 2017

Today's Big Press Conference (actually only 3 questions) following Donald Trump's meeting with the Romanian president was hotly anticipated, since it was expected that he would be asked about James Comey's testimony.

He was first asked by a Washington Times reporter whether he had tapes. He ducked the question in his usual way, by saying he would have something to say about that in "a short period of time."

Next, he mulled over the possibility of calling on "one of the killer networks" that treats him "so badly as fake news" before ultimately settling on Jonathan Karl.

He opened the exchange by reminding Karl about how nice Karl used to be before Trump ran for office. "Such a nice man."

Oh, please.

Karl shot his question straight across Trump's bow, asking about Comey's testimony regarding Mike Flynn and Trump's "directive" to Comey to let the Flynn investigation die.

In typical lying liar fashion, Trump interrupted, "I didn't say that."

"So he lied about that?"

"Well, I didn't say that. I will tell you, I didn't say that."

Karl pressed on. "And did he ask you to pledge --"

But Trump interrupted, reminding everyone that there "would be nothing wrong if I did say it ... but I did not say that."

So it's a lie but even if he wasn't lying it would be fine.

Karl tried a different question, this time about the loyalty oath, which was when things got pretty huffy.

"Would you be willing to speak under oath and give your version of -- ," Karl began to ask.

Another interruption. "100%. I hardly know the man. I'm not going to say I want you to pledge allegiance. Why would I do that? Who would ask a man to pledge allegiance under oath? Think of that. I hardly know the man. It doesn't make sense. I didn't say that and I didn't say the other."

This is where I need to interrupt to point out that what Trump denied is NOT what Comey said he asked. Comey said Trump asked him for loyalty. Not allegiance, not a pledge. This is deflection, no more no less.

On to the recordings, where Karl got more specific, suggesting that Trump hinted there were recordings.

Huffily, Trump shot back, "I'll tell you about it over a short period of time. I'm not hinting at anything. Okay. Do you have a question here?"

Karl responded, "When will you tell us about the recordings?"

"Over a short period of time."

Landing the plane, directly, with a final question: "Are there tapes, sir?"

"You're going to be very disappointed when you hear the answer. Don't worry."

So in other words, there are no tapes and this is just bluff and bluster. Cool beans.


He's right! It will be very soon!

Here's more detail:

Update 2:

As for Trump's question about who demands loyalty oaths? See this video:

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