June 25, 2017

Stelter asks his viewers what a daily informercial for the Trump White House would look like. And he answers it himself -- Fox and Friends. Yes, that (formerly) "Fair and Balanced" news channel is so blatant that even other media sources can only see it as right wing propaganda.

Reliable Sources watched an entire week's worth of Fox and Friends (my condolences to your staff, Brian) and this is what they report back:

  • It's all about making Trump look good and his enemies look bad
  • Bash the mainstream media, as if they're not part of it.
  • Attack Democrats/liberals, with strawman arguments
  • Lots of repetition (brainwashing)
  • Denying collusion, parroting Trump tweets/talking points
  • Bashing Comey
  • Undermining and attacking Mueller
  • Zero Trump critics

The hosts know Trump is compulsively watching so they give him a virtual reach around and tug via their overly flattering words and fawning praise. It is...propaganda. Stelter calls it that, and rightfully so.

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