June 26, 2017

Scarborough marveled this morning at how easily Barack Obama got Trump to attack his own healthcare bill, saying it reminded him of the Jedi mind tricks from Star Wars.

In a softball interview with Fox News yesterday, Trump responded to a tweet by Obama where he reminded voters that he was the first one to describe the Republican Senate health care bill as “mean,” not Obama. Nuh huh!

"Republican senators and House members, fighting for their political lives, trying to figure out what to do, and just because Donald Trump is so, so crazy and so jealous of Barack Obama, he gets him to admit that the health care bill is mean," Scarborough said.

“ 'That’s my word, I’m the one that said it was mean,' ” Scarborough said. “ 'I’m the one that said it would throw seniors out in the street. I’m the one who said young children with pre-existing conditions were going to die. That was me.' ”

Scarborough said the remarks would appear in Democratic campaign ads next year, and that alone would make it hard for Republican senators to vote for the bill.

“How it is he’s going to go and say, you must take this vote on this bill I have denounced as mean? I don’t know how that works,” he said.

“It seems like a strange sales pitch.”

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