June 24, 2017

On AM Joy, Joy Reid talked to cybersecurity expert Malcolm Nance about Donald Trump's reaction to the Russia probe.

"Behind the scenes, he seems to be significantly concerned about this probe," she said.

"There was a piece, NBC News did this reporting that Dan Coats, the director of national intelligence, told House investigators even though he wouldn't say it in the open hearing -- he said his feelings, he didn't want to talk about conversations -- but behind closed doors, he told the House committee that Trump did seem obsessed with the Russia probe."

"Sure, absolutely," Nance said.

"Why is Donald Trump obsessed with covering up this probe? It's a national counter-espionage investigation that now appears that it looks, based on the lawyers that director Mueller has hired, is now going into a massive financial fraud and RICO investigation.

"One of those two things is going to happen or both: espionage tied to dirty money, or a massive dirty money thing. Trump has to be concerned about that, and he thinks as a big New York real estate developer, he get away with it," he said.

"He's not going to get away with it. Mueller is playing a reality show called "Presidential Apprentice" and only one contestant and one result that comes from the end of it. You're either fired or not fired. I think Trump is terrified of that."

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