Apparently Jason Miller, Trumpster extraordinaire, thinks Kamala Harris is "hysterical."
In Jason Miller's world, "hysterical" is exactly the same as "partisan." He would also like viewers to know his perspective is objective, unlike the woman facing off with him.
Calmly, Powers shot that down. "I think she asked a lot of questions actually. she was dogged but i wouldn't say she was any more dogged than Ron Wyden was, would you say that?"
Miller stubbornly countered, "I have my opinion. I think she was hysterical. I don't think senator Wyden was really trying to get to the bottom of answers either."
Point, set match, Powers. "But he wasn't hysterical and she was. I wanted to clear that up." Wyden was quite strident, confrontational and angry, challenging Sessions' truthfulness about his answers.
After pointing out that hysterical is a term usually applied to women, Jeffrey Lord helpfully inserted himself into the conversation. "You're being hysterical.,"
Unfazed, Powers emphasized that Harris was simply asking a lot of questions, which Sessions wasn't answering. "There was a lot of frustration on the part of the senators there and it wasn't all Democrats," she reminded them.
Characterizing Senator Harris' questions as "hysterical" is such a Trumpster-man thing to do. She is a woman of color, strong, and assertive. Therefore she must be minimized and boiled down to a two-dimensional caricature of who she really is, while the men come away relatively unscathed.
Here is an example of Harris' so-called 'hysteria," so independent observers can try to figure out what Miller is talking about.