May 8, 2017


The CNN panel took this very seriously this morning. This is witness tampering and intimidation. From his official account no less.

JOHN KING: This is important to the President of the United States. To Michael very important point, he views himself as his best communications adviser. But he is the President of the United States and the former acting Attorney General is about to testify under oath before the United States Congress and you tweet, "Ask Sally Yates under oath if she knows how classified information got into the newspapers" soon after she explains today to the White House counsel. I started before I covered politics, I used to cover the courts a lot. A lawyer would call that witness intimidation.

DANA BASH: Completely. From the President of the United States. I think we have all been kind of desensitized in some way. This is beyond 'out of the norm.' This is inappropriate. For the President of the United States to be this aggressive with somebody who used to work for him, who is coming before the United States Congress with sworn testimony hours later, is beyond the pale. It just is.

JOHN KING: We've seen this in other hearings. The White House can send words to its Republican friends, make sure you push her on this or that. But to go public like this is striking.

That the Republican Congress will do NOTHING once again shows just how badly they all need to be voted out of office forever. Republicans protect criminal behavior in their ranks, especially from their so-called president.

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