May 6, 2017

The proposed American Health Care Act (a.k.a. Trumpcare) that passed the House this week is disturbing on so many levels, not the least of which are the immoral and inhumane consequences it would have. For example, if the bill passes the Senate and Trump signs it, woman can be priced out of coverage for having been raped. Insurance companies consider surviving rape a pre-existing condition.

The lack of logic and ideological consistency of voters who support legislators who have supported Trumpcare (See How Every Representative Voted On Trumpcare Here) is also increasingly mind-blowing. Below I recount for you the top 5 most galling illogicisms of any conservative voter that also supports Trumpcare.

1) Replacing Obamacare with Trumpcare is one of the largest redistributions of wealth in history. Theoretically, conservative voters and their representatives should hate that.

2) The enormous amount of wealth being moved goes from the poor and middle class to the very wealthy, who in all likelihood, work a lot less hard than folks from the working class. Lazy poor people aren’t trying to muscle in on your hard earned money, Joe the Plumber. Lazy rich people are.

3) Conservatives don’t believe government has a role in providing health-care coverage for citizens. Trumpcare still has the structure of government stepping in to make sure everyone has health-care coverage. It’s just not called Obamacare so that makes it ok.

4) Trumpcare cuts the detested ‘freedom-destroying’ coverage mandate that required healthy people carry insurance and all people be charged a similar rate. This was how Obamacare kept premiums down. Now when Obamacare-haters get sick, they will not be able to afford the skyrocketing cost of their own coverage and will be forced to suffer or die. Wow. What freedom!

5) The problem is still the same: private insurance companies pocket millions of dollars in profit that could otherwise be used to care for the sick. They do nothing to keep the price of services and medication down as would, say, one enormous pool of people with a great deal of buying power run by an entity whose main goal is to serve the people it covers, and not to make a profit.

Julianna Forlano is a writer, professor, and media expert who was once the only liberal host on all of Fox News Radio while at the same time hosting on the Pacifica Network. She currently writes, produces and hosts at She is a professor at The City University of New York at Brooklyn College and trains organizations in effective communication for mobilizing action.

Twitter: @JuliannaForlano Facebook: JuliannaForlano

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