May 8, 2017

During today's White House press briefing, Sean Spicer refused to explain what Trump meant with his Sally Yates tweet and used his own version of "taking the fifth" by repeatedly saying, "the tweet speaks for itself."

Usually Spicer bends over backwards to parse whatever confusing words Donald Trump either tweets or says, but not today.

As Sally Yates was getting ready to testify Monday afternoon to the Senate Intelligence Committee, Trump tried to discredit her by tweeting this:


Trump is implying Sally Yates was the leaker to the media. The press pounced on his tweet as many believe it was a form of witness tampering and asked Spicer to explain his meaning, "Does the president believe Sally Yates was the leaker?"

Spicer replied, "Again, the tweet speaks for itself."

When asked again to clarify the tweet, Spicer repeated the same moronic answer, Sean smiling said, "I think the tweet speaks for itself."

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