Yes, there’s a new lawsuit against Fox News. This latest one, from reporter Diana Falzone, accuses the network of demoting her because she published an op-ed about her battle with endometriosis.
Reporter Diana Falzone Files A Gender-Discrimination Suit Against Fox News
May 3, 2017

Yes, there’s a new lawsuit against Fox News. This latest one, from reporter Diana Falzone, accuses the network of demoting her because she published an op-ed about her battle with endometriosis.

The incomparable Gabriel Sherman has the details:

Falzone says that after the piece ran, [her supervisor, Refet] Kaplan told her that the “Second Floor,” referring to the network’s top executives Bill Shine and Jack Abernethy, no longer wanted her appearing on-air. According to the suit, Kaplan said Falzone was “permanently banned from ever appearing on air on any, Fox News Network, Fox Business News Network or any other Fox News medium and would never again be permitted to host her own shows or conduct her own interviews.” Falzone claims that a producer later told her she was also banned from doing voice-overs. When Falzone asked Kaplan why she was being demoted, he declined to say, according to the suit.

Falzone says she filed a formal complaint on the 21st Century Fox “hotline” that the company set up last year to report harassment, but the company did not address the matter.

According to Sherman, this is at least the 15th lawsuit against Fox.

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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