May 3, 2017

Let's remember what community organizing and public service look like, for just a moment.

In addition to the announcement that the Obamas will personally donate $2 million to Chicago Jobs for Youth programs, they released plans for the "campus" at the Obama Foundation center along Lake Michigan. Chicago Sun Times:

The former first couple envision the campus to be anchored by three buildings with a museum of about seven or eight stories to be the iconic landmark of the complex. There will be a library and a forum to hold public events, all fronting on a public plaza.

The splashy stone and glass structures would cover from 200,000 to 225,000 square feet, be connected underground and with the rooftop terraces offering Lake Michigan views, the Foundation said.

And in keeping with the Obama desire to make the complex a part of the everyday life of the neighborhood, the Foundation said it is exploring the potential of installing a Chicago Public Library branch on the site.

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