What the ever fun-so-loving HELL, New York Times?!
So Michael Kinsley via The New York Times would like readers to email him some GOOD things Donald Trump.
And Kinsley points out that this is "not another forum for debating the issues. It is a place to point out positive things Mr. Trump has said or done from the viewpoint of The New York Times and its readers."
What a way for the Paper of Record to normalize this so-called president who is taking away health insurance from 24 million people and holding a bad beer bash to celebrate it. Also playing around with the idea of nuclear war with North Korea. Also being Donald Trump.
Paste Magazine: "..how will NYT readers ever know about Trump the family man, or Trump the four-dimensional chess player who constantly wins every political battle?"
Jezebel: It would be very hard for him to get all of us killed. And if he did, that might be for the best.
Can you do better? Let us know in comments.