While the media was buzzing over the news Trump made during his NBC Nightly News interview, the Fox and Friends co-host were bizarrely livid that interviewer Lester Holt dared to interrupt Trump.
The three co-hosts opened up their broadcast by discussing the much talked about interview and Brian Kilmeade said, "Sits down for a long time with Lester Holt on a network that has not given him a fair shake almost from day one."
Brian was angry Trump gave NBC News, an actual news network an interview, "If you watch five minutes of the network or their cable network, they don't deserve the president's quality time, but he did go into the lions den so to speak."
Who knew being interviewed by Lester Holt was equal to being thrown into the ring with starved lions at the Roman Colosseum?
And Brian and Steve Doocy were perturbed that Holt interrupted president Trump while he was speaking in gibberish.
Kilmeade continued," A man [Holt] that would speak to president Obama and interrupt him once every twenty nine minutes - would interrupt this president nine times in about two minutes"
The horror!
They played Trump's answer about why he fired Comey and Holt didn't interrupt him, just saying.
After playing video of Trump's answer Doocy jumped in, "And we heard a lot from the president, although, you heard a lot from Lester Holt. Brian, you were talking about this a minute ago. They released at NBC a two minute and 34 second clip. During that, Mr. Trump, the president of the United States, was interrupted at least nine times by Lester Holt."
Then F&F selectively edited the NBC interview to make Holt's interruptions really look like something.
Asking follow up questions to Trump is now off limits according to F&F.
I guess they never bothered to watch Bill O'Reilly's many interviews with Obama, especially on Super Bowl Sunday and his constant interruptions that were nasty.
After their montage was complete which I didn't include here, Doocy remarked, "You know what's different about that kind of interview -- and we've interviewed the president, and you only have a certain amount of time and you want to get as much as possible, but he did interrupt him a lot. Here's the thing though. After everything the president said, Lester Holt questioned him. "Oh, you said that? Well what about this?" Which -- it seemed like an interrogation."
Memo to the media: Every Trump interview should be cordial and implement the Fox and Friends style.
Kilmeade replied, "Right, and if he had the same approach with President Obama, whose answers are longer, more drawn out, and, for many people who only get five minutes with the president, very frustrating. And do you remember when [Fox News host] Bret Baier interviewed the president, and he had to -- President Obama, and he jumped in a few times and say, "Listen, I only have a certain amount of time. I just want to follow up." He was roundly criticized. "You got to let the president finish, you're being disrespectful." How disrespectful was that?"
As an aside, President Obama kept telling Baier to let him finish his answers while Donald didn't mind the interview at all.